New Year – Is it really that Significant?

Filmmaker Thiagarajan Kumararaja considers his movies as one long third act. There are no first and second and they can be figured out as the movie progresses.

I found that to be a refreshing thought process. And his movies have that feel. You don’t feel the intro, the setup and the big climax. There is flow and each scene is equally important and enjoyable.

We are moving from 2019 to 2020 and the general sentiment is to have some change, some impactful transition.

But what is our third act? If we do not know, would the transition really help?

New Year can be good mathematical milestones to do some reality and sanity check but beyond, does it have any significance.

Most resolutions do not work, and once the new year passes, we wait for next milestone for the change to happen.

Maybe it is counter productive 🤔

If we know the third act and begin with that, then the new year is neither a milestone nor a barrier. We just move along fine and the enjoy the journey.

When a “critic” suggested Thiagarajan to cut down movie length to make it more mainstream, he quipped who decides the length and each movie needs the time it needs.

Wish fellow travellers a rollicking journey ahead. Write your own scripts at your own pace.