Not All Good Employees Are Same

Two Sincere, Honest, Hardworking employees might still need to be handled differently.

In any team we come across different types of employees. Some are generally termed as good workers based on above attributes and sometimes are treated the same way.

The aspect which get ignored is taking the initiative part. And that makes a huge difference.

And when that is not considered in the way they are lead, we end up with unhappy workplace.

Good employees who want to be told what to do need clear instructions, followup and validation.

Good employees who take the initiative, who can see the bigger picture, who are proactive need freedom and space. Occasional guidance and collaborative approach works best for them.

Mixing up these two does not usually end well.

When freedom is given to reactive but good workers they feel lost and get demotivated.

When proactive workers are closely monitored they feel there is lack of trust in their capability and lose the drive.

So, when you are given a “good” team do not take it at face value. It could still mean different approaches for different folks.