Case Study - Scalable Revenue Model - Goal To Done Project

A firm created an online service but they could not scale it
With HireBandhu Project Management engagement model, See how the firm was able to use the new platform effectively and were able to scale the additional revenue channel with minimum overhead


A non tech firm had evaluated and finalized a software platform. The platform selected was to bring additional revenue. The team got their hands dirty and were able to create an online offering. While it served the purpose, the tool still needed lot of manual effort. This issue created a barrier to scale the offering. It meant spending even more time and energy on the tool without knowing if the payback would be worth it.


The way the platform was used was as important as the capabilities of the platform. Project Manager engagement was proposed for this scenario. The end goal was discussed with the Entrepreneur. The effort needed from the team for the online service was also discussed in detail. Another key aspect was to know what understand what needed to be changed when the offering was given to another client.


The complete effort for creating an offering for a customer was discussed and evaluated. The end to end process during the offering was documented. All the manual steps were accounted for. The delays and followups in the process were highlighted. In Parallel, the capabilities and the best practices of the platform was researched upon. A plan was created on changes to overall plan, effort needed and the overall effort savings.


The changes were itemized and the owner for each item was defined. A schedule was created keeping in mind the current work load of the team. Changes were made and the end to end offering process was also redefined. With both the changes, the manual intervention was gradually reduced and the offering became more nimble..


The one time effort paid huge dividends. A version of the offering became completely automated. And with data from pilots, the offering was tweaked such that the insights from the platform were analyzed much quickly. The overhead effort from the leadership and the team for the new offering became minimal.


This created tremendous value for the end customer. The service could run without delays. The turn around time for the final outcome was greatly reduced and created a positive relationship. The successful new offering created a change in mindset for the firm to create similar offerings embracing new technology.

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