Case Study - Ondemand Partnership Program - Goal To Done Project

A firm had an opportunity to take up an assignment but were lacking resource and time
With HireBandhu Program Management engagement model, See how the firm was able to share the load of the assignment and were able to best utilise the combined effort to create an awesome experience for their client.


A large client had requested a firm to take up an interesting assignment. The assignment had the potential to pave way for more assignments and a foot in the door for the bigger work, The work involved two components, one which was bread and butter of the firm and second was a new area which needed much more time, research and co-ordination, The firm was in two minds, to take up the risky assignment or to leave the oppurtunity.


The firm reached out to HireBandhu with details. Looking at the ask, a program management mode was suggested. The idea was to partner with the firm and coming up with the process and approach for the assignment quickly. The core work remained with the firm and the second task and follow up was taken up by HireBandhu. A action plan was created with this approach and executed.


The ask from the client was detailed and scoped out. The stake holders of the assignment were clearly identified and a plan for the assignment was put in place. Specific tasks and schedule were put in place against all team members. As the turnaround time was small, effort was spent in planning to make sure no changes were needed later. With this mode, dependencies and order of execution were also defined.


The two tracks were executed parallely. The firm worked on their core offering and HireBandhu on the new area. The tasks were executed as per the plan. A review and discussion on the progress were documented and signed off. With both the tasks done, a combined approach was created to execute it at the client's team.


The assignment went well and created an awesome experience for the end customer. The reviews were positive and the client was thrilled that the firm was able to deliver on the project in a short time duration. All stakeholders got qualitative value from the project.


The ability of the firm to deliver consistently was well established with the client. This opened doors for much bigger assignments which were to be executed at multiple places.Taking up a new area increased the scope of the firm to take up bigger projects.

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