Case Study Effective Employee Onboarding Goal To Reality

Employee Hiring was informal and it resulted in attrition
With HireBandhu Scrum Master engagement model, See how an entrepreneur was able to bring structure to hiring and onboarding. It resulted in an unexpected benefit as well.



Small Firm - Employee hiring & onboarding was informal. This resulted in employee attrition & communication gap. Due to these issues, founder was concerned and wanted to set it right. Even though it was important activity, day to day work kept the founder from working on it diligently.


Had couple of discussions with the founder. The time spend gave clarity on the complete context and scope. Based on the scenario, Scrum Master for Entrepreneurs mode engagement was proposed. A high level plan was charted out for sign off along with the proposal. It was planned such that the regular work was not impacted.


Time was set for this task for few days with the founder. Steps, inputs needed & action items were brainstormed and finalized as a course of the meetings. The discussion brought forth several aspects that created clarity on the process needed. It helped in following through in the action phase.


Following were established over time - Structure to hiring process
Evaluating skill set needed,
Budgeting for exceptional candidates & Post hire communication established. All these were documented and templates were created for reuse and objective assessment.


The one time effort set the standard for new hires. It also created valuable templates for hiring & onboarding process to be followed. Unexpected benefit was the cost savings by right resource allocation for the full time work while Ad-hoc work was outsourced.


The time spent by the founder created an nice experience for candidates. It also provided the structure and control for the Entrepreneur. To cap it off, a wonderful onboarding for new hire. A major recurring worry for the firm was taken care without impacting any ongoing work.